
Post-Valentine Dinner: River Cafe

Since my cousin Abie visited us for a few days-- and her only weekend with us was Valentine weekend, Warren and I, along with Joan, Kevin and Sasa took a drive [...]

The First & Last Anniversary

It just hit me—today, April 12, 2015, is the first and last day Warren and I will get to celebrate our Anniversary as boyfriend and girlfriend. Next year [...]

Pamamanhikan: A Beautiful Pre-Wedding Tradition

janinapaula.com DUMBO NY
So what usually comes after the marriage proposal? In the Philippines, it is the customary "Pamamanhikan". This is the event when the guy/groom's family [...]


SO THIS IS HOW IT FEELS. :) I remember waking up the next day still giddy from what happened the night before. Last Sunday, February 8th, My Warren asked me [...]