An Inspiring Kind of Love

Two of my very good friends recently got married. It was a beautiful and fun wedding, and I was able to have the honor of giving them a toast. They’re one of the best couples I have ever known! So calm and laid back, enjoying the simplest and most important things in life and best of all, their love for each other is so contagious (without being mushy) that it inspires a lot of people! I am sharing because if you know of a couple the same as these two, be sure to remind them that their love is inspiring (we don’t need a wedding to do this), and if you are in a relationship such as theirs, remember that sometimes, just by simply being in a loving relationship can give a positive effect to others.


I’m not really good at giving speeches, so I would like to borrow a few lines which I recently heard from a TV series. Someone there quoted Shakespeare:

She said: Shakespeare once wrote: Love is not love which alters when it alteration finds.

When life gets hard, when things change, true love remains the same. 

Whenever I think about love, somehow a vision of Waf and Anj always comes to mind. It’s in their Love that I see FRIENDSHIP. Laughing together, enjoying each other’s company, caring for each other – like how Waf would always know what to order for Anj because she is such a picky eater. Or how Anj would always care about the things that are important to Waf, such as basketball and cars.

In their love, I see THOUGHTFULNESS. From the smallest things like how I never heard Waf complain if Anj is late, or she takes so long in the bathroom,  to the big things such as Anj’s never-ending surprises even when Waf is so far and there is no occasion—she will always find something to celebrate for.

In their love, I see HONESTY. The thing is, with these 2, they make everything look easy. But I’ve seen how, with everything that they have been through, they respected each other enough to always be honest with each other.

Maybe this is love – true love, even. And without knowing it, just the way you love each other has inspired and given people hope. Waf, you’re breaking a lot of hearts now because you’re taking Anj away with you, but I am comforted because I know you’ll take the best care of my friend. Anj, you know your friendship means the world to me, and I want to thank you for everything that we have shared and I’m excited with what the future holds for us and our friendship. You’ll always be one of my truest friends.

So let’s raise our glasses to Waf and Anj, and to a love that never alters. Cheers!



Photo (Clockwise from top): the bride and I; Anj, their host Francis Day and Waf; Angge, Jeric and myself; Me, Lana and Angge 🙂


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